Colorado Mineral and Fossil Spring Show
Find me in Booth #17!
One of Colorado’s best mineral shows this show has been consistently bringing together a quality group of dealers with offerings from both local and worldwide material.

Phoenix Heritage Mineral Show
Booth: A8-A9
A fantastic Arizona put on by the oldest mineralogical society in Arizona. This show is chock full of top notch dealers offering collector quality specimens. Defiantly a show I would recommend attending.
East Coast Gem and Mineral Show
Every year I participate in the largest gem and mineral show on the East Coast. During this trip I make stops along the way in several states between Denver and Springfield. If you could like to setup a private mineral showing while I am out on my East Coast road-trip please feel free to email me at
Just Minerals and Crystals Show
Time - 10am - 6pm daily and closing at 4pm on the final day
Location - Doubletree in Thornton, 83 E 120th Ave, Thornton, Colorado 80203
At this show I will feature a large amount of clearance material at 50% OFF! If you are looking for great deals this is the 1 blowout sale I do every year.

New Mexico Mineral Symposium
Socorro New Mexico - Comfort Inn Hotel -Room #115
If you are in town please feel free to stop by for fine conversation with old friends and a chance to look an some interesting specimens at the Comfort Inn Hotel. If you are interested in looking at something in particular please feel free to contact me to have me bring it to the symposium.

Jeffco Mineral Show
A local show with quality mineral dealers from the local Denver area. Come out, play with some rocks and take some time to catch up with old friends.

Flatiron Gem and Mineral Show
If you are around the greater Denver area this show is worthwhile stopping at to check out. It has a fairly wide selection of affordable and entry level collector specimens available.

Tucson - Mineral City
Building D Room 40
Description: Tucson has been the premier mineral show in the USA for over 50 years. This is the largest gem and mineral show in the USA and I am very excited to announce that I will be selling at the Mineral City venue now in Building E.
Tucson - Main Show
Booth #827-829
Description: One of the longest running shows in the nation! I will be located in an excellent position right on the main exhibit aisle in Booth #827-829! I will be sharing this space with my good friend Alan Benson of Alan’s Quality Minerals. Alan is a East Coast dealer from NJ and has an excellent selection of collector quality minerals!

Denver Gem and Mineral Guild Show
One of my favorite small club shows in the country, this show is certainly worth attending if you are located in the greater Denver area, or if you are located in Colorado in general. The show has several quality minerals dealers that provide a nice selection of relatively inexpensive minerals for sale.

Denver Gem and Mineral Show / Hardrock Summit
Dates - September 12th to September 15th
Time 10am to 6pm daily
Location - Westin Hotel, 10600 Westminster Blvd, Westminster, CO 80020
Booth 513-515
The show is in a new venue this year at the Westin in Broomfield. This should alleviate many concerns people had in the past with anxiety related to parking or driving downtown. This show is still the best venue in Denver if you are looking for collector quality specimens.

Colorado FOM Symposium Reception
Join us at our new showroom for an open house on the evening of Saturday, June 15th during the Friends of Mineralogy Colorado Chapter symposium. We will have food drinks, and of course lots of wonderful minerals!
And if you haven't heard about the symposium, check out for more information.