Fluorite, Bergmännisch Glück Mine, Frohnau, Erzgebirgskreis Saxony, Germany

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Size: 4.5x3.0x2.9cm

Species: Fluorite

Locality: Bergmännisch Glück Mine, Frohnau, Erzgebirgskreis Saxony, Germany

Description: These famous yellow fluorites with thin sharp blue and purple phantoms were found in a historic silver and cobalt mine in Germany. The Bergmännisch Glück mine was worked intermittently during the 18th century and briefly for half a decade in the 1830’s. It is now best known among collectors for the contemporary production of high quality fluorite specimens that were retrieved long after the mine was shut. This new production is hobbyist collectors and has very limited production. A great addition to any aesthetic world wide, fluorite, or European focused collection.

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Size: 4.5x3.0x2.9cm

Species: Fluorite

Locality: Bergmännisch Glück Mine, Frohnau, Erzgebirgskreis Saxony, Germany

Description: These famous yellow fluorites with thin sharp blue and purple phantoms were found in a historic silver and cobalt mine in Germany. The Bergmännisch Glück mine was worked intermittently during the 18th century and briefly for half a decade in the 1830’s. It is now best known among collectors for the contemporary production of high quality fluorite specimens that were retrieved long after the mine was shut. This new production is hobbyist collectors and has very limited production. A great addition to any aesthetic world wide, fluorite, or European focused collection.

Size: 4.5x3.0x2.9cm

Species: Fluorite

Locality: Bergmännisch Glück Mine, Frohnau, Erzgebirgskreis Saxony, Germany

Description: These famous yellow fluorites with thin sharp blue and purple phantoms were found in a historic silver and cobalt mine in Germany. The Bergmännisch Glück mine was worked intermittently during the 18th century and briefly for half a decade in the 1830’s. It is now best known among collectors for the contemporary production of high quality fluorite specimens that were retrieved long after the mine was shut. This new production is hobbyist collectors and has very limited production. A great addition to any aesthetic world wide, fluorite, or European focused collection.

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