Quartz var. "Grape Agate", Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Size: 17.1x7.4x6.5 cm
Species: Quartz var. "Grape Agate"
Locality: Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Description: These aggregates of spheroidal amethyst are marketed under the term “grape agate” for obvious reasons. The purple spheres exhibit a wonderful sparkle and make for a wonderful display specimen. Ex. Sandra Gonzales
ID: 25619
Size: 17.1x7.4x6.5 cm
Species: Quartz var. "Grape Agate"
Locality: Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Description: These aggregates of spheroidal amethyst are marketed under the term “grape agate” for obvious reasons. The purple spheres exhibit a wonderful sparkle and make for a wonderful display specimen. Ex. Sandra Gonzales
ID: 25619
Size: 17.1x7.4x6.5 cm
Species: Quartz var. "Grape Agate"
Locality: Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Description: These aggregates of spheroidal amethyst are marketed under the term “grape agate” for obvious reasons. The purple spheres exhibit a wonderful sparkle and make for a wonderful display specimen. Ex. Sandra Gonzales
ID: 25619