Quartz var. "Grape Agate", Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia


Size: 16.9x9.3x7.5 cm

Species: Quartz var. "Grape Agate"

Locality: Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia

Description: These aggregates of spheroidal amethyst are marketed under the term “grape agate” for obvious reasons. The purple spheres exhibit a wonderful sparkle and make for a wonderful display specimen. Ex. Sandra Gonzales

ID: 25619

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Size: 16.9x9.3x7.5 cm

Species: Quartz var. "Grape Agate"

Locality: Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia

Description: These aggregates of spheroidal amethyst are marketed under the term “grape agate” for obvious reasons. The purple spheres exhibit a wonderful sparkle and make for a wonderful display specimen. Ex. Sandra Gonzales

ID: 25619

Size: 16.9x9.3x7.5 cm

Species: Quartz var. "Grape Agate"

Locality: Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia

Description: These aggregates of spheroidal amethyst are marketed under the term “grape agate” for obvious reasons. The purple spheres exhibit a wonderful sparkle and make for a wonderful display specimen. Ex. Sandra Gonzales

ID: 25619

Mimetite, Calcite, Lopez Portillo mine, Santa Eulalia, Aquiles Serdan, Chihuahua, Mexico
Rhodochrosite, Wutong Mine, Liubao, Cangwu Co., Wuzhou, Guangxi, China
Fluorite, Berbes, Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain
Aurichalcite, Hemimorphite, Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Wulfenite, Silver Bill Mine, Gleeson, Cochise County, Arizona, USA